This app is to help you to have a daily Bible devotion to God, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
To be like Jesus is not easy and to walk as he walks is not easy too. But dont give up. Just like a child who learn how to walk, he will stand up again and again and try to walk after he fell. So like us Christians we can try again to walk with Jesus 1 step at a time and 1 day at a time. This app is to help you do that. Install it and click on any icon you like to read or see on that day. Just let the Word of God speaks to you through scriptures, devotional or song videos. Meditate on Jesus and talk with God. Let the Holy Spirit leads and guides you through the day with His Word.
Jesus is called "Emmanuel" meaning God with us. If you believed in Jesus, God is with you. You can talk to him about anything. You can tell him your struggles and challenges and successes. He will listen to you.
This app is to encourage you to walk daily with Jesus, reading the Bible, meditate and worship God.